Tokio Hotel Fans Still Rock Hard & F*ck Safe!
Author: Ninette Murk
Friday 16th of January 2015 02:49:47 PM

As the Tokio Hotel Official Philippine Fan Club have been around since 2007 and were actually the first fan club in Asia Pacific to be declared as official -even before the Humanoid album was released- we have been known to organize elaborate parties and events to keep the fan base alive and interested in the band, despite the long hiatus. Every other official fan club who has been around long enough can attest to this. So when the band's new album "Kings of Suburbia" was released in the country, we decided to throw a huge launch event in an exclusive club, as it is now more appropriate with the band's evolved and more "club scene" style of music. Our party was held during the same week as World AIDS Day and Pride Week, so the timing for giving out condoms couldn't have been better! 


Honestly, in 2009 when DAA launched the Fashion Against AIDS campaign, the most that Tokio Hotel Philippines has done then was import the shirts from H&M Hong Kong (H&M Philippines just opened this year!) and educate the fans what it was created for and share with them the band's and DAA's cause. We have thought of giving these customized condoms during the Humanoid album release in October 2009 but it would have been difficult to do with the wave of new fans who were very young and belonged to a predominantly conservative and Catholic country that condemned the use of condoms.  


That was 5 years ago. That was before the Reproductive Health Bill of the Philippines. 


The fans now have also grown older and with age comes maturity. To celebrate this evolution in the band's music and theme and constantly pushing the envelope, we have done the same with influencing the fans of Tokio Hotel in the Philippines. With the massive support of DKT Reproductive Health (the biggest distributor of reproductive health products in the country), the Goethe-Institut Philippinen and sticker sponsor @BandFeelsMNL on Instagram, we were able to give out customized "Rock Hard, F*ck Safe" Premiere condoms to all our attendees and guests! The slogan was clearly inspired by Designers Against AIDS in 2009. We were just echoing the cause which the band also still feels very strongly about. 



For those who would like one of this limited edition condoms, you can get them for free from us, all you have to pay is for USD8 for shipping from the Philippines. Just email

Source: Diana and Karl, Junior Leaders on behalf of The Tokio Hotel Official Philippine Street Team and Fan Club

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