Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls
Author: Mirela Cosic
Friday 25th of April 2014 10:50:13 AM

As we all know HIV/AIDS has had a big impact on the world, including the artistic world. Red Hot Organization is similar to DAA. It was founded in order to create awareness and to educate about HIV/AIDS. Red Hot does this by using popular culture and artful propaganda. That’s why a few years ago they compiled the top 10 AIDS related songs of all time.  You will definitely know some of these songs because they are from some very big artists.

For example, Madonna, she sang a song about a close friend she lost to aids. The song’s called “In this life”.  The next song, I absolutely love it, “Waterfalls” from TLC. It’s one of the best songs these safe sex advocates made in the 90’s. Then there is the “That’s what friends are for” song, you all probably know this one as it was recorded as a benefit for American Foundation for AIDS Research. The song was sung by Elton John, Stevie and others and raised over $3 million dollars. You see what music can do, it’s very powerful. And of course we all know “One” by U2, the benefit song that reminds us to carry each other through despair. Going way back in time there was “America is dying slowly” by Wu-Tang Clan. And ladies and gentleman the song we’ve used at DAA as well: “Let’s talk about sex”. Salt-n-Peppa released this alternate version to “Let’s talk about AIDS” to gain awareness through radio. The Jackson family sure know how to work with music, both Janet and Michael dedicated songs to aids. Janet dedicated her song “Together Again” to all the friends she lost to AIDS. Micheal’s song “Heal The World” used to pioneer all of the Jackson charity causes. George Michael who lost his lover to AIDS, made “Jesus to a child” as a tribute to this loss. And last but not least: “Tainted love” by Soft Cell. It wasn’t intended to be a song about AIDS, but in the 80’s it was inevitable to the AIDS crisis.


Listen to each and every one of these songs. Some are very emotional, some are just simply fun to listen to. The get people’s attention and that’s what is needed in this world. 

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