Getting tested for HIV on a regular basis is important and nowadays nothing could be easier or more discreet, as you can now buy the Insti Test and do it at home. 
Today we got contacted by our friend Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil, the world's first openly gay prince, who lives in India and who heads the Lakshya Trust, an organisation advocating the social, economical, legal, psychological aspects of the Indian LGBT community.

Manvendra has now started a crownfunding campaign on Ketto (Asia's largets crowdfunding platform), to raise funds so they can continue and hopefully expand on their important work. 
In a week where certain groups in Indonesia want to stop supermarkets selling condoms because teenagers might buy them too (which WE think is brilliant and very responsible behavior) and want to stop the growth of the LGBT community because many people feel that they 'violate' their life values (how?), it's fantastic to receive an open minded message such as the one written by one of our two social media managers for our projects 'Asia Against AIDS- Back To Zero: 
On July 7, UNAIDS, WHO and UNFPA have released a communal statement about the use of condoms to prevent HIV infections and other STD's and unplanned pregnancies. 

Following a year long pilot program in Indonesia called Bali Against AIDS, we now plan to expand the project to cover the entire country, reaching out to young people with all the information they need for their sexual health including what diseases are out there, symptoms, protecting themselves, where to get tested, their rights as well as the support available to them regarding these matters. 
Today marks the first day of European HIV testing week and the World Aids Day is just around the corner. 
Last night the brightest stars in Hollywood turned up to amfAR's Inspiration Gala in Los Angeles to honor Tom Ford and his support to the fight against AIDS. 
One in five of HIV infected people in Spain do not know they are infected and this is why, this week in Spain, they're celebrating the National Day of HIV Testing. 

The United Nations this summer announced triumphantly -in the run up to yet another global conference- the end of AIDS by 2030. 
Mandy Webb's first London solo exhibition opened to public today at The Crypt Gallery, located in St Pancras Church. 
Hello all you people! ! 
A girl born with HIV and seemingly cured with medications, now has had detectable levels of the virus return at the age of 3 1/2.
Safe sex campaigns are very important, but it's not always possible to measure their impact. 
Tomorrow May 31 the Life Ball 2014 is taking place in Vienna, the largest event around HIV/AIDS prevention, research and funding in Europe- if not the world- and the most fun. 
Civil society groups working in the HIV and AIDS field in the Ukraine have expressed serious concerns about recent changes to government legislation. 
Today's entry is about Act Up! 
On June 26 the 2013 Condom Summit was held in Boston at the Institute of Fanway Health - one of the main organizers together with Victory Programs. 

'De tijd daarna' is een unieke documentaire over dertig jaar HIV en AIDS in Nederland. 
AIDS Vancouver is an organization founded in 1983 in response to the emergence of the AIDS epidemic. 
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